Praise Report

A Business And A Home Of Our Own

I just watched your broadcast sermon #241 today. God woke me up at 5am to hear what you had to say! Thank you so much for listening to God all these years. Your book, Destined To Reign, has helped me to understand just what Jesus did for me at the cross.

You see, up until 2007, I had been practicing a different religion for almost 20 years. I stepped away from it in 2007 to "give God a chance". That statement is as arrogant as it sounds but I was not in my right mind!

Well, some things didn't come to pass and I blamed myself and allowed the enemy to gain a foothold in my life. So in 2008, I went back to practicing my previous religion. It was then that I lost everything I had worked for including three dogs that I cherished! I ended up at my mother-in-law’s place for two and a half years.

However, I read your book for the first time in January 2009 and it really impacted my thinking. When I got a chance to read more materials and to see you on television, things began to sink deeper into my soul.

Today, my husband and I are working at a business that will be ours in a few short weeks and we were able to move out of my mother-in-law’s house last September.

God bless you, Joseph Prince!

Mary Heard
Virginia, United States
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