Praise Report

A Life Partner From Abba Father

I listened to Joseph Prince’s Straight Talk To Cool Singles message and was liberated from erroneous teachings I had heard before on whom to marry.

As a single lady, I talked to my Abba Father and told Him I would really like to have a husband who loves to listen to Joseph Prince, like I do.

One day, I was reading my Joseph Prince daily devotional on Facebook and posted a comment about the devotional on my wall. A random guy happened to be reading the devotional at the same time, liked my comment, and subsequently requested to be my friend. I accepted his request reluctantly as he was a stranger to me.

Two months after accepting him as my friend on Facebook, he sent me a message and told me he is from Baltimore too. He is looking for a church where the grace message is preached. I invited him to my church as my pastor has been listening to Joseph Prince’s messages and has been impacted by the gospel of grace.

To cut the story short, we will be getting married soon, and just like how God gave Ruth favor with Boaz, God put me in the right place at the right time where the happening was happening! I thought I had a big collection of Joseph Prince’s sermons but my boyfriend has teachings as far back as 2004. Our favorite is the Holy Communion DVD package.

To Jesus be the glory! Amen!

Millie Ngatia
Maryland, United States
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