Praise Report

Abundance Of Grace Leads To A Position In A Prestigious Firm

In June 2011, I wrote in to Joseph Prince Ministries with a prayer request for finding employment after I finish university. I had my heart set on a specific firm as I had a really good experience while interning there on a student vacation work program. They had also given me really good feedback.

However, I never heard from them again after that and I started to feel despondent. I really felt like that was where God wanted me to be. I started applying to other firms and received a lot of rejections. I started to doubt if studying law was even what God had wanted for me because I couldn’t find employment.

Eventually, a law firm did get back to me and I went through the interview process and was offered a place on their student program, which I accepted. I experienced an abundance of God’s grace—they really liked me and offered me employment in their firm. I learned a lot about the firm that week and loved it. It’s a very prestigious firm with the best benefits in the country. I believe that God wanted the perfect place for me and all I needed was to trust Him. I truly believe that God always wants the best for us.

Also, I was the top student in my degree by the grace of God. His blessings never end. I went from being filled with doubt to absolutely being filled with His grace and walking in His favor every step I take.

Beatrix Hugo
South Africa
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