Praise Report

Accepted Into A Renown University By God's Favor

The past couple of months have been challenging for me. I've been experiencing symptoms in my body and the doctors I went to couldn't tell me what was wrong with me. I was also told by a renown university that I didn't have the necessary qualifications for admission.

Well, I've been listening to Joseph Prince's podcasts, partaking in the Holy Communion daily and just declaring that it is not by my qualifications that I receive the blessings, but by what Jesus did. Anyway, I woke up today and said, "God, I know that this university is where I am suppose to be at, but in and of myself, I do not qualify."

Well, a couple of hours later, I got a call from the university admissions counselor informing me that I have been accepted! Praise God! I had so many e-mails saying that I didn't meet the criteria, but that just goes to show that Jesus' blood is perfect and He qualifies me for every blessing!

I know that it is just a matter of time before my complete healing manifests! Thank you, Joseph Prince Ministries, for your prayers and for preaching the good news of grace! God bless!

Texas, United States
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