Baby Isaiah Healed When You Prayed On TV
We have four children aged six, five, three and one. We do our best by His grace to keep them healthy. I can count on my fingers how many times they have gotten sick.
]Since baby Isaiah was born, he was never sick. Praise God. But one night, he had a fever and it got worse from there. He started to throw up and did not want to eat for a couple of days. He refused to be breastfed and I had to pump and spoon the milk into his mouth.
We had started our ministry and knew that this was an attack from the enemy. The fever did not break and he grew slimmer and weaker. We were on our knees praying and we knew God would heal him.
The next morning after I cried before the Lord, I joined my husband in the living room to watch your program. You were preaching on healing. You said that we are already healed by Jesus' stripes. On the cross, Jesus said, "It is finished."
During your preaching, you stopped and said, "I feel I need to pray for someone right now." You began to pray and we received that prayer for our baby. The moment you finished, I touched our baby's forehead and his temperature was back to normal. He was no longer burning up. The fever broke, he released his bowels and the illness was gone.
Jesus healed our baby! Thank you for your obedience to the Holy Spirit! Thank You, Jesus! We want to thank God for you and this ministry.
North Carolina, United States