Praise Report

Back Healed Immediately Upon Taking Communion

This past weekend, I experienced oppression, resulting in an inability to sleep and general cognitive impairment. On Wednesday at work, my back became very painful and I was nauseous. I went home thinking of watching a DVD but Abba told me to sleep. I slept the rest of the afternoon and all of the night until late next morning.

I awoke and my back was still painful so I watched a your DVD on the Holy Communion. My faith was built up to believe that the oppression and pain were borne in the body of Jesus.

As I took the Communion, I saw Jesus giving me the bread, telling me, “This is My body.” I ate and I visualized the transformation in my body as I received the benefit of healing. I reflected that if a roasted lamb could strengthen and energize Israel, how much more would the Lamb of God heal a daughter of God! My back was immediately healed, the oppression lifted and I was restored. Glory to God!

The grace message has transformed my life in virtually every area. The best way I could describe it is using the analogy of a science fiction movie, where all the pixels rapidly fall into place completing a perfect, tangible substance. Thank you so much for preaching His message.

Diane Freed
Pennsylvania, United States
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