Praise Report

Became Top Scorer In School, Also Delivered From Porn Addiction

I accepted Christ when I was young. However, I never learned about the love and grace of God at that time. I always fell asleep during church services and even disliked going to church. I found it boring and a waste of time.

Fortunately, God was always gracious with me. Despite my imperfections and weaknesses, He began transforming and blessing me.

I developed an interest in hearing church sermons and saw unexpected improvements in my academic grades. I received straight ‘A’s in my final year in primary school (elementary school) and in my Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE). This was in contrast to previous years where I only received moderate (and even “D”) grades. I had also been unexpectedly given a leadership role at the end of primary five.

All these changes in me were truly by God’s grace and not my own strengths. His goodness and plans for me did not stop there. My family and I began attending New Creation Church [in Singapore] and learned so much more about His love and mercy toward us. We also discovered in-depth how Christianity is not a religion but an intimate relationship with our heavenly Father.

As I entered secondary school (high school), God immediately blessed me with a position as class chairman and I even got nominated to be a student councilor. Over time, He continued refining my character and grades like never before. I became a top scorer in class for both semesters and topped my cohort for Geography!

God also delivered me from an addiction to pornography. I had been bound to it since primary five and could never seem to break free from it. Several times, I tried so hard to get rid of nude images in my mind and would even condemn and rebuke myself for watching sinful content online. However, the addiction had only grown stronger.

The turning point came when I listened to the gospel and finally realized that I am the righteousness of God in Christ—not by my obedience but Jesus’ perfect obedience at the cross. Every time I sinned, I would confess my righteousness in Christ and that my sins—past, present, and future—have been freely forgiven and fully punished in Jesus’ body at the cross. Before this revelation, I’d always asked God to forgive me and never experienced true deliverance from my addiction.

It has been close to a year since I last watched pornography. The desire for it has left completely! I can never sufficiently express how thankful and grateful I am toward my loving heavenly Father for delivering me from the addiction. All praise to Jesus!

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