Praise Report

Better Health After Listening To God’s Grace

For most of my adult life, I struggled with a host of weight-related issues, with high blood pressure and diabetes being the two most severe ones. Even with the help of doctors and medicine, I could not seem to get these issues under control because of my weight.

When I heard the message of God’s grace through Pastor Prince’s ministry, I went to the Father in prayer and said, “I know I have serious changes to make in what I eat and drink. If I can make these changes on my own, I would have done so by now. Holy Spirit, You live in my body. I give You permission to make whatever changes You see fit in my body.”

Not long after that, I was tempted to eat something unhealthy, something I used to overindulge in. As I reached to pick up that piece of food, I heard a still, small voice saying, “You’re not going to put that in My body, are you?” I said, “No, sir,” and put it down.

Since then, the grace of God has led me to lose thirty pounds (and counting), my blood pressure averages 130/80 (for years, 200/140 was a common blood pressure rate for me), and all my blood work shows me getting healthier by the day.

My diabetes is also getting under control. I am healthier at forty-nine years of age than I ever was in my twenties, and I have discovered that when I admit that I cannot, Jesus can and will!

Terrance Brandon
Minnesota, United States
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