Blessed After A Revelation Of Tithing, Freed From Condemnation
I gave up on tithing years ago. After faithfully tithing, studying it and struggling so much financially, I finally said, “Lord, I don’t understand tithing. I’m not doing it until You explain it to me.”
Five years later, I watched the DVD album, Secrets In The Hebrew Letters, in our home cell. While I was watching the one on finances, I cried and cried as the Lord set me free to understand His Word.
Finally, after receiving the revelation, I set aside my tithe. The next day, I received a check in the mail for $1,000 and I had not even dropped my tithe in the tithe basket yet! The next week, I received another unexpected $1,000. Because of Pastor Prince's teachings, I am finding freedom and a joy I never knew.
Watching his teaching on condemnation, I asked the Lord about my own areas of condemnation. The Lord spoke very clearly, “Condemnation produces after its own kind.” The Lord showed me that the very thing I feel condemned about was still being produced in my life because of that root of condemnation. I now know that condemnation has no power over me or my life. I am TOTALLY free because of Jesus. Praise God.
The Lord watch over and multiply this wonderful ministry.
New Zealand