Blessed in Many Areas After Prioritizing the Word
I was watching Pastor Prince’s series of sermons on Psalm 91. He spoke of rabbis telling their students to repeat Psalm 91 seven times. So I did just that. Every morning I read Psalm 91 seven times. I also read the Word in daily inspirations, devotionals, and the Bible before praying.
At that time, I was in a horrible place. I suffered from mental illness and was out of medicine for a month while waiting for a doctor’s appointment. I had lost most of my hours at work and did not have enough food and sleep. My rent was 2 months due, and my landlord was threatening me with eviction. But instead of being suicidal or turning to drinks or drugs like I did in the past, I turned to God.
I started watching Pastor Prince online. I also read my Bible every day, sometimes for hours. I feel that reading Psalm 91 every day as Pastor Prince has taught led me to a place of peace. The rent I owed has been paid. I have been blessed with a new job that pays well and is only 4 miles from home. I was also blessed with a wonderful new doctor who has refilled all my medicine. Even my little dog, who was sick and dying, is better and is now eating and barking.
I have testified to my friends about reading Psalm 91 seven times a day, and they too are being blessed. I am thankful and grateful for Pastor Prince and his teachings. I have found grace! May God continue to bless the ministry of Pastor Prince. Thank you so much!
Georgia, United States