Praise Report

Blessed with Baby Boy Despite Odds

Shortly after my husband and I got married, we decided we wanted to start a family. Months went by and we were not conceiving. All our friends around us were becoming pregnant and having children. This made us even more discouraged and depressed.

I remember asking God why everyone else had been blessed with children except me. I started to blame myself, wondering if I was being punished for something I had done in my past. I also started to blame my husband for not being a perfect husband, believing that if he was, then maybe God would bless us with a child.

After a year of trying to conceive, we decided to go to a specialist who diagnosed us with unexplained infertility. Shortly after the diagnosis, I experienced severe pain in my abdomen. I found out that I had an abscess the size of a baseball on my right ovary. It had to be removed immediately.

During the surgery, my right ovary and right fallopian tube were removed. The doctor also noticed that my left fallopian tube was completely disfigured and was not able to function properly. After the surgery, the doctor told us that the left tube was completely non-functional and the only way for us to have children was through adoption or in vitro fertilization (IVF). I lost hope and became severely depressed.

It was during this time that I started listening to Joseph Prince’s teachings on God’s wonderful grace. I no longer believed I was being punished for my or my husband’s sins. I remember driving and listening to a sermon on Isaiah 54. I cried out, tears running down my face, and said, “Amen! Hallelujah!” I remember receiving it with all my heart and believed that I was going to have a child.

My husband and I decided to get ready for our gift from God. We went to a treatment center and began to receive treatment for my left fallopian tube. All my physical therapists were Christians and when I had my treatments, they would pray for a child and speak over my tube to open. They also asked me to pray for wisdom for them as well.

A few months after the treatments, we became pregnant naturally! God blessed us with a very healthy baby boy. We named him Matthew, which means “Gift from God.” Every day I get to look at my baby boy’s smiling face and see my miracle.

Thank you, Pastor Prince, for your messages on the gospel of grace. I now say many times a day, “I am the righteousness of God in Christ.” I am so thankful to God for healing and restoring my body! By His stripes, I have been healed. Hallelujah!

Hannah Willette
Maine, United States
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