Praise Report

Blessed with Baby Daughter After 8 Years of Conception Difficulties

Several years before getting married, I had multiple surgeries and diagnoses that led doctors to believing I would have a difficult time conceiving. My husband and I purposed to focus on Jesus instead of the diagnoses and became pregnant with our first child within 1 year of getting married. Glory to God!

As we were able to conceive so easily the first time, we were surprised when we were unable to become pregnant again. Several years passed and after many tests, procedures, and consultations, the specialist told us he believed we had very little chance of having a second child without undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF). I was 33 at the time, and the doctor felt like we needed to act with urgency due to my “advanced” age.

Although we were never opposed to this type of medical help and our insurance would pay for it, both my husband and I did not feel led to proceed down that path. We believed the Lord was able to bless us with a child outside of medical intervention.

Over the next 8 years, I learned what it meant to confidently rest in an area of such great desire for me. Day in and day out, I listened to Pastor Prince’s messages that constantly unveiled the loveliness of the Son. I began to fall in love with Jesus like never before.

One day, as I was listening to a sermon, I saw a picture of a balance scale with Jesus on one side, and there was nothing else I could put on the other side that had more weight than He had. I knew if I had Jesus, I already had everything. And there was no joy, contentment, or satisfaction I was waiting for outside of Him. I spent the entire year basking in this heightened revelation of His love.

A year later, the Holy Spirit reminded me not to allow my contentment to drift into complacency. Now was the time to lay hold of my inheritance and everything Jesus paid an incalculable and immeasurable price for at the cross. Jesus encouraged me not to leave anything on the table and reminded me I also bring Him glory when I become a possessor of what He laid down His life for. I realized my motivation had changed from just wanting another child to wanting to be a possessor of His finished work so others could taste and see how wonderful God is.

I began going into the Word and compiling a list of Scriptures that spoke of children, inheritance, and the blessings of the righteous. I meditated on the verses every day and continued to listen to the Word being preached over and over. The Lord encouraged me to not judge His work based on what I could see (pregnancy tests, blood results) but to trust His Word that never returns to Him void but accomplishes what He sent it to do.

I was partaking of the holy Communion and listening to every message Pastor Prince preached on the Lord’s Supper, but the release of his book Eat Your Way to Life and Health marked a turning point for me. I began to see Communion not only as a way to stir up my remembrance of Jesus’ righteousness freely given to me through His finished work but also as the Lord’s primary delivery system for the blessings of our inheritance.

The Lord imprinted 2 visions in my heart that changed everything. As I meditated on Psalm 23:5, I saw Him preparing a table for me with the bread and wine in the green pastures of the promised land. Around me, all my enemies already lay slain —exactly what King Jehoshaphat encountered in 2 Chronicles 20. The Lord began to show me that every giant in my life was bread for me to taste and see His goodness as He put every adversary under His feet.

The second picture He gave me was of the old video game, Pac-Man. The enemies in the game pursue Pac-Man until it eats a power pellet and gains a super ability to devour its enemies. The Lord likened those power pellets to the holy Communion and showed me how when I partake with revelation, I gain a supernatural ability to devour my enemies.

As silly as it might sound, the Lord used these visions to stir up something new in me to receive my breakthrough. Within 2 weeks of reading Eat Your Way to Life and Health, we conceived our second child in our 40s after almost 8-and-a-half years of waiting!

When I look back, I see Pastor Prince’s ministry as such an integral part of building, precept upon precept, the insights and understanding we needed to be possessors of the abundant life our Father longs for us to have. I don’t think it was a coincidence our baby’s due date was July 7, 2020, in the year of time and space, the theme Pastor Prince had for his church that year. We were brought near to Him through His sacrifice, rested many years in His finished work, and were brought to that third level of His inheritance.

I’ve heard Pastor Prince say, “Grace may seem slow, but it is sure.” We have seen this truth play out in our lives over and over. We can look back now and see that the Lord has made us gainers and added to us more than we will ever be able to comprehend on this side of eternity. Our precious little one just celebrated her first birthday, and we wanted to share our testimony and thank Pastor Prince for persevering in sharing Jesus.

Lindsay Bennett
Texas, United States
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