Blessed With Higher Position, Higher Income, Better Benefits
For a long time, I struggled financially to the extent that I was only left with twenty-five cents in the bank after expenses. One day, as I was watching Christian television late at night, I came across Joseph Prince. His message was quite revolutionary for me.
At first, I was cautious, but somehow the messages he preached resonated well with my spirit, so I continued watching his program. Some time later, I found a job that increased my salary by 60 percent. Then, I got even hungrier spiritually and bought all of Joseph Prince’s books such as Destined To Reign and Unmerited Favor. God really used these books to renew my thinking.
I found I missed my old job even though I was doing fine in the new one. Less than two years later, my old company offered me my old job back. I was given a higher position, much better benefits that included a car subsidy, and a one-year assignment with an allowance that was more than my current salary. I even got a signing bonus and received performance bonuses that are not standard benefits. What I have earned in the past seven months is more than what I had earned the entire year before! God is so amazing!
Even though the contract for the temporary assignment will be ending in six months, which means that I will not have the allowance anymore, I just know that God has provided for my future and so I will not worry. I also know that He will take care of my relationships and my family. I am now earning the highest salary in my family and I know that they will see God at work in my life. All glory to God!
God bless all of you at Joseph Prince Ministries, more and more!