Blessed with Job After 2 Years of Unemployment
After I graduated from college with a bachelor’s degree, it was very difficult to find a job in my field. I was unemployed for 2 years. During that time, I was not able to contribute to the bills while I stayed with my mom.
My sister introduced me to your daily devotionals and books. I started to watch your broadcast daily—getting up in the morning to take notes during your sermons, then going back to read the scriptures. I realized that Jesus bore my shortcomings at the cross, and I began to understand more and more of His unconditional love for me.
The Lord ended up blessing me with a salary-paying job in my field, journalism, as a multimedia specialist in a post-secondary institution! I am now above the low-income margin and am so grateful for God’s unmerited favor toward me. His grace is sufficient!
Mississippi, United States