Praise Report

Blessed With Job, Freed From Stress And Sleeplessness

Last January, I lost my medical transcriptionist job that I had for the last 10 years. Many medical practices were going into new software and transcriptionists were not needed anymore.

I did not believe that I could handle going back to a regular job in the health care field. So much has happened in the last 10 years and I have so many more responsibilities. With both my children diagnosed with juvenile diabetes at such a young age, I had a lot of anxiety and sleeplessness.

One day, I got into a local church website to look up information about a hospital that is right beside our house. There was a job opening for a part-time medical transcriptionist. My husband was so excited! I was a little apprehensive as I was used to a different sleep schedule and did not have confidence in myself.

I went for the interview and got the job. They offered more than what I was making previously, plus benefits and the hours I wanted. I was amazed! I had told the Lord that I knew I could not do this by myself, that He would be the One doing it—and He did.

Since I started the job, I have been sleeping like a baby. Every day when I am at work, I tell the Lord that I need Him to work through me and that I receive everything that He has done for me at the cross. I can’t begin to describe how miraculous it has been.

One day while sitting at work, I felt this tremendous weight come off my shoulders. This oppressive weight had been on me for eight years. It was like a rubberband attached to my neck and the effect of the stress on me was so painful. It just left! I didn’t do anything but simply received everything that Jesus had done for me. This was possible only by His grace.

Pastor Prince, thank you for your teachings. I no longer live in condemnation, and His finished work is everything I need. For years I had tried to pray that oppression away, or order somebody’s book or tapes hoping to find a “magic formula” for overcoming the fear that was causing the stress. Nothing would work. Little did I know that I didn’t have to do anything!

Also, during this time, a mole that I had on my back for years dried up and fell off. It’s amazing that when you are living a life of rest, things just naturally take place.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your amazing teaching that I have learned so much from. May God bless your ministry and may it grow abundantly!

Angie Dewese
Ohio, United States
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