Praise Report

Blessed With New Job Position

At the end of January 2012, a friend introduced me to your ministry and your book, Destined To Reign. Reading the book was life changing for me. I have been saved since 1994 and never felt the presence of the Lord in my life like I do now. Thank you for writing the book.

At the beginning of the year, I listened to your New Year sermon. At the end of the sermon, I said the prayer with you, asking God for three things, one of which was a new job position. Well, in March I received a job promotion.

I am 42 years old and had been without a job since 2008. I had gone for several job interviews, only to be told that I was overqualified or that I didn’t have the degree required. It has also been financially difficult for me for the past two years because my ex-husband has stopped paying child support.

So I took a temporary job during the holidays working at a department store. In February, they brought me back as a permanent employee. However, because I had had managerial training, I felt had so much more to offer them. So I started praying for a new position, thanking God for it every day.

Last week, I asked one of the guys who works in our executive office how I could do what he was doing. He said that there was an opening and that I should talk to his manager. So I spoke to his manager and then submitted a request for a transfer to my manager.

When I read the transfer form, it stated clearly that an employee had to be in his or her current position for nine months or more before he or she could ask for a transfer. I had only been working there for less than five months. I submitted the form anyway, trusting God. My manager approved it. I had an interview two days later and was offered the position on the spot.

God never ceases to amaze me. His love for me is unfathomable and I love Him so much for all that He has done for me. Thank you for your ministry. Be blessed!

Lacey Branson
California, United States
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