Praise Report

Blessed With New Position, Better-Than-Expected Salary

A few months ago, I was channel surfing and something that Pastor Prince was saying caught my attention. I don’t remember what it was exactly but I stopped to listen.

At that time, I was depressed, after having just lost my mother to a long illness. A few years prior to that, I had lost my home, my job and nearly all of my possessions. I was forced to take my mother halfway across the country and move in with my sister and niece. So I was wondering what I had done to displease God.

When I heard the gospel of grace, I realized that I had been trying to live under the law! Well, less than one year after hearing that first grace sermon, I am glad to report that things are looking up.

A few days ago, I heard Pastor Prince telling his congregation to ask God boldly. He specifically said, “Don’t ask for a job, ask for a position.” And that was what I did! About two hours after I’d asked, the phone rang. It was the recruiter for a company who interviewed me a couple of months ago. I didn’t get the job then and had forgotten all about it. She was calling to offer me a job!

Remarkably, I was hired that same day after a short talk with the district manager. I am happy to report that it is not just a job. It is a position! It is in the field for which I have been training and the pay is better than I had anticipated for a beginner with no experience.

I just wanted to thank Pastor Prince for his guidance. I finally see that God loves me and that His love can never be taken away. I was trying to earn God’s love and now I understand that I have His love forever! Thank You, Jesus!

Carla Smart
Florida, United States
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