Blood Sugar Level Normalized After Believing Right
Recently, my mother was diagnosed with abnormal blood sugar levels. As a result, she suffered from a urinary tract infection.
I reminded my mother about how Pastor Prince taught us to believe that as Jesus is, so are we in this world. I also shared with her a testimony I’d read in one of your emails about a sister who was healed and miraculously blessed with a child. I told my mother to believe that Jesus has healed her and she did not have the lying symptom in her body. Following my sharing, my mother also partook of the Holy Communion.
After that, she went back to the diagnostic center to collect her medical report with a smile on her face, because she was expecting to see a normal report, and indeed, that was what she received. She saw clean test results and experienced cessation of urinary tract infection symptoms despite not taking any of the medicine the doctor had given her.
I thank Jesus for this testimony and strongly believe that when we believe right, we will live right. Now my mother is sharing her testimony and spreading the good news!