Praise Report

Bruise On Child's Brain Disappeared After Holy Communion

In July 2010, my husband and I took our 12-year-old son into the hospital emergency room twice in 10 days because he was having clusters of seizures. My mom called in from Malaysia for Pastor Joseph's church prayer group to pray for our son, Christopher. I had also sent in a prayer request through the website of Joseph Prince Ministries.

The doctor had scheduled a surgery for August 2010. We left the hospital, came home and heard more of Pastor Joseph's teaching on answered prayer through the Holy Communion. We then partook of the Communion elements and our son stopped having seizures. The surgery was put on hold. They had our son back and forth for checkups, MRIs and EEGs. When they took his MRI in August, they noticed a bruise on his brain where his hot spot was. They told us that they would like to start our son on a treatment call IVIG.

Through it all, we did not stop taking Communion. Then, in January 2011, they told us that the bruise was getting slightly bigger on his hot spot and we should look into surgery again. At this point, our son did not have any more seizures. We kept taking Communion and even increased it from two to three times a day.

We then received news that the bruise on the hot spot was getting smaller. The doctor said that he was puzzled and wanted to do another EEG. We believed that it was the Lord's healing and we believed and declared that our son Christopher was already healed by Jesus' stripes.

One week later, we got news that the bruise/swelling on Christopher's brain had disappeared. The doctor did another EEG and there was a stark difference compared to his EEG a month ago. The surgery was called off after this EEG.

All glory to God who is so good and faithful. We believe that our son Christopher will only get better and better in Jesus' name.

We want to thank Pastor Joseph for his ministry. His teachings have blessed and encouraged us. We appreciate him!

Wendy Lenhart
Pennsylvania, United States
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