Praise Report

Captivated By The Simplicity Of Grace

I grew up being taught by my denomination that I would incur fire and brimstone whenever I sinned. I was told that I needed to REPENT, REPENT, REPENT! I was taught to never take the Holy Communion if I had sin in my life or I would go to hell.

One night, while channel surfing, I came across a man who was preaching up a storm on Trinity Broadcasting Network. By the end of the message, I was captivated by the simplicity of his sermon.

A few days later, I was conversing with my mother and aunt who kept talking about a pastor named Joseph Prince, and how my aunt had purchased some of his CDs and book on the Holy Communion. We were all in tears listening to my aunt tell her story about how God has been blessing her and her family. I knew I had to listen to this pastor for myself and to hear what he was teaching.

Well, little did I know that the man who was preaching while I was channel surfing was the same preacher they were talking about! I borrowed my mother’s CDs and began to listen to your teachings for myself. WOW!

My mother gave me your sermon message titled, The Power Of The Amen. As soon as I put it in the CD player in my car, the Holy Spirit came over me and I began speaking in tongues and praising the Lord. I know the word was given back in 2008, but it’s for me for 2012. This CD came at the right time and I needed that word!

Your message hit me hard and I grabbed hold of every word you spoke and ran with it! I feel so free in my spirit, almost like a burden has been lifted off me. I’ve shared this message with everybody I know. There were changes in my life and people around me have been blessed. The place I work at has been blessed!

Thank you, Pastor Prince, you and your ministry are a blessing in my life! AMEN!

Tracy Black
South Carolina, United States
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