Praise Report

Cat Found Without a Scratch after Being Lost for Over 2 Months

Last September, my cat went missing. My family and I were deeply worried as we really loved our cat.

I began praying desperate prayers hoping God would answer quickly, but nothing happened. One night as I was walking, Abba God started to deal with my heart. He wanted me to see that He didn’t just have the power to bring home my cat, He also loved me and was willing to help me.

During this time, I heard a still small voice saying my cat would come back. While I still couldn’t get myself to believe it, I was later led to start praying in tongues for my cat’s return. I sensed God’s peace in this, despite all my thoughts of worry.

After a number of days, I began to walk in peace and started to let go of the situation. I still wondered where our cat had gone but it didn’t worry me like it used to. One morning, I had a vision of our cat back with my brother and me, and of us being happy. I held on to this vision and kept praying in tongues and walking in this peace.

By 8 weeks, many of my friends, neighbors, and even the vets and animal shelters we spoke to, said that our cat was probably dead, as cats don’t usually go away for this long. Despite these bad reports, I refused to worry and just followed the peace within.

Nine weeks later, we got a phone call that someone had picked up our cat and brought him to a rescue center 20 miles away. Our entire family was overjoyed! We picked him up the next morning and were thrilled to find that he was healthy and without a scratch or bruise. I believe angels were sent to protect and feed him during his time away.

Through this, I experienced the love and peace of God in a mighty way. He loves us very much and His promises are yes and Amen through Christ Jesus. Because of Jesus, we have the Holy Spirit, who leads us and helps us even when we are unsettled.

Thank you, Pastor Prince, for your teachings. May you, your family, and your ministry be blessed in a mighty way in Jesus’ name.

Jubin Kurien
United Kingdom
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