Praise Report

Church Experiences Growth and Breakthroughs After Preaching Grace

Pastor Prince, 3 years ago, my husband and I were the associate pastors of a small church. We worked very hard, but we were completely depleted, exhausted, and becoming bewildered in our service to the God who had saved us both out of drug addiction and alcoholism. We love the Lord and were so thankful to Him, but we were at a breaking point.

A lot of hard work and sacrifices were made over the years to build the church and the 501(c)(3). We knew that if we left, we would have to walk away from all of that as well as the people we had shepherded!

In 2020, as the month of March blew in, so did the pandemic. Suddenly, in a moment, God stopped everything! There were no more church services to coordinate, outreaches to organize and oversee, or “works” to be done.

We stayed home and spent time with each other and our children. But mostly, we began to spend time with Jesus! We began watching your messages on television as a family, listening to them online, and reading your books daily.

God quickly began to open the eyes of our hearts and reveal the truth of the new covenant to us. As the truth was revealed, we were literally being set free! Set free from condemnation. Set free from legalism. Set free from the pressure to please man rather than God. Set free to experience the love of God like never before. Miracles and breakthroughs began to spring forth as the Lord taught us to rest in His love rather than find security in our self-efforts. We were learning how to abide and not strive daily.

At the end of December that year, I awoke in the middle of one night very ill. My temperature was 103.8 degrees, and I was struggling to breathe. I set my mind on the Lord and rested until the morning before heading to the hospital. I prayed a simple prayer as my husband had to leave me outside the building with a nurse in a full hazmat suit.

I told the Lord that I was not going into that hospital alone. I had arrived at a COVID-overwhelmed hospital and was told that my blood oxygen level was 82. I was diagnosed with hypoxia (low levels of oxygen in the body tissues) and an electrocardiogram (EKG) revealed that I was in the early stages of having a heart attack due to it. I tested positive for COVID and was admitted.

In spite of the horrific report, at no point did fear overwhelm me. I spent a week in that hospital resting in the Lord’s love. I was on oxygen and could barely speak or pray. I would mutter a few words in the Spirit and just concentrate on Jesus—on His person, His love, and His sacrifice for me personally. As far as I was concerned, it was me and Him. I was released after just 7 days and went home on oxygen.

My husband and I had the faith and boldness to tell our senior pastor that we had to start teaching right believing in the new year. The Lord gave us the theme, “It Is Done.” We began to teach grace and the finished work of the cross. Within that year, I was completely healed of all remnants of the COVID virus that had ravaged my body. The following year, the Lord gave us the theme, “All Things New,” and we continued to teach all that God had revealed to us through your teaching and by the Holy Spirit.

The church began to grow. Favor surrounded us, and new miracles and breakthroughs started to mark the lives—from our senior leadership to our flock. Finally, in summer, our senior pastor turned over the church as well as the 501(c)(3) to us! He came under the grace teaching, and God is doing a tremendous, grace-filled work in his life and family during his retirement.

Pastor Prince, we cannot thank you enough for submitting yourself to the good works that our Lord has prepared you for in such a time and season as this. It was through you and your ministry that God’s love and grace were truly revealed to us like never before. We are committed to teaching His love and grace to others now.

We pray the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you and yours always!

Pastor Gina and Rob Stoppiello
New Jersey, United States

We are praying for you

If you are dealing with a health challenge today, we are believing with you for your breakthrough. But even as we stand in faith with you, we encourage you to practice faith WITH godly wisdom.

Please continue to consult your doctor about your condition and don’t throw away your medication or disregard any professional medical advice or diagnosis. We are praying for you, and look forward to hearing your praise report!

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