Praise Report

Cleared Of Cancer

In December 2013, I found some lacerations on the left side and bottom of my tongue which, at the time, were just a bit uncomfortable and not really hurting. I initially thought that I must have bitten myself there and because we were in the process of moving to our new home, I did not pay too much attention to them.

Over time, the condition slowly progressed to the point where that part of my tongue became sensitive and tender. I decided that it was best to consult our local general practitioner for some antibiotics. When he saw me, the doctor could not a give definite diagnosis and referred me to an ear, nose, and throat specialist. By now, my wife and I were becoming a bit concerned, especially because we had left the problem unattended for so long. Nonetheless, we continued to pray for healing and kept on trusting God.

When I met the specialist, he took some samples for analysis and when the results returned, the prognosis was that some of the tumors were malignant. This came as a huge shock to my wife, Joy, and I—“Me having cancer? Cancer! Me? Not me, dear Lord.”

At that time, we were reading Pastor Prince’s book, Destined To Reign, and were also watching his sermons whenever we could. He explained, through Scripture that what we needed to do was to find peace and rest in Jesus. Our only “worry” or “labor” was to get into His rest, and He, Jesus, will do the rest. After all, Jesus did it all on the cross where He cried out, “It is finished.”

We kept on confessing His finished work, because we knew that God was in control and would always be in control. We professed this fact, but our minds were still messing with us, putting forth unwanted, useless, rebellious, and insolent thoughts. The more these thoughts came, the more we would rebuke them in Jesus’ name.

My wife and I also rebuked the illness. We declared this sickness null and void and that it had no authority, no place, and no right to be in any of us. We also proclaimed and confessed that by His stripes, we are healed, and that sickness had no power over us, for as Jesus is in heaven so are we spotless, healthy, and without blemish here on earth. We also kept reminding ourselves that the facts belong to the doctors but the truth belongs to God.

Nevertheless, in the first week in April, I went in for the operation to have the tumors and lacerations removed, and as a precaution, had the gland on the left side of my neck removed too. The operation lasted four-and-a-half hours and I spent four days in hospital.

After the first consultation and check-up, the results were all clear. The gland was also benign. The cancer cells were all gone. Hallelujah! The subsequent quarterly check-ups also showed no trace of any malignant tumors or cells. All praise and glory to God the Father and to Jesus who loves us and who proved His pure love for us. By His grace I am getting stronger day by day.

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for Your love, compassion, and care over us. Thank You that because of You, we are the righteousness of God. Thank You that we may call God “Abba Father.” Thank You for pastors that preach Your grace, love, and hope.


Peter Struwig
South Africa
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