Praise Report

Crooked Teeth Perfectly Aligned

I started to notice that my lower teeth were starting to crowd in the front and growing crooked. This bothered me greatly.

I went to the dentist and was told that I needed braces for about 2 years to straighten my lower teeth. I was also briefed about the initial visit of putting on the braces and learned that each adjustment visit would be painful for a few days while my teeth were being realigned.

I was willing to go through the process so they checked with the insurance company to see how much would be covered. I thought the cost would be about $1,200 but when I received the report in the mail, I found out it would be $3,600. I put the paper down and said to the Lord, “Why do I have to pay for this when You can do it for free?” After that, I forgot about the matter.

About a week later, I began to notice a tingling in my lower teeth. I thought maybe I needed to change my toothpaste or something. A couple of more days passed and I noticed my lower teeth were looking straighter. Each day after brushing, I would look at my teeth and day-by-day they were straightening up into perfect alignment.

Well, I am glad to report that my teeth are PERFECTLY STRAIGHT! And I have been telling everybody about it. So instead of 2 years, it took less than 2 months. Instead of pain, it was painless! Instead of $3,600, it was free! The Lord honored my simple statement of faith so flawlessly. What a great, marvelous, and loving God!

Thank you, Joseph Prince, for sharing the beautiful gospel of grace. For truly it radically changes our lives!

Mary Burrell
Virginia, United States
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