Daughter Protected From Two Dangerous Road Incidents
On the evening of March 29, 2017, I almost skipped my usual Bible reading as I was very tired. But I felt I shouldn’t and opened my Bible to read Psalm 91because my daughter and I were going on separate road trips soon. The more I prayed and read aloud the psalm, the more real it became to me.
While driving the next day, I worshiped the Lord and declared scripture from Psalm 91. I also declared aloud that I would not be afraid of bullets that fly in the day. Later that evening, I texted my daughter. She told me two things that made me sit up in shock.
My daughter drives a delivery truck in the Atlanta area. March 30 was her last day of work before her road trip. On that day, her delivery route was delayed because she had to go to the bathroom and went looking for one. Because of that delay, she was protected from being caught in a road-rage shooting on a highway she had to drive through! On top of that, she later managed to drive her delivery truck safely across a bridge on Interstate 85 just an hour before a huge fire caused it to collapse!
God had protected her from two dangerous incidents in a day, hiding her safe beneath His wings!
North Carolina, United States