Praise Report

Daughter Transformed After Mom Prayed In Tongues

For a couple of years, my 14-year-old daughter went down a really dark road. She had associated herself with peers who were involved in drugs and alcohol. They were always in dark, creepy clothes, and often cut themselves.

One day, when I put my foot down and told my daughter that she was never to see them again, she curled up in her dark bedroom and sobbed, claiming that she had to see them as they were the only people who understood her. She also became suicidal and I found a sharp pair of scissors covered with blood, fresh from her attempts at self-mutilation. All these made me sick to my stomach and I was at a loss.

The next day while I was alone at home, I strongly felt led to listen to Pastor Prince’s Receive Power, Love & Healing—God’s Promises Through The Gift Of Tongues CD album. As I listened, I began to pray in the Spirit—the first time I had ever prayed in tongues.

I was led to go into my daughter’s room. I got on her bed and continued praying in the Spirit. As I prayed, a guttural cry came out of me and I began sobbing. I was surprised that I was sobbing uncontrollably as I was taking anti-anxiety medication to manage my emotions then. After some time, I felt a sense that whatever I was praying for was done. I got up, wiped my eyes, and carried on with my day.

From that day on, everyone in the family began to notice changes in my daughter. She only met her old group of acquaintances once more and never saw them again. She also stopped mutilating herself and started laughing and talking to us. She also stopped wearing those dark clothes. It was certainly an overnight turnaround that just kept getting better.

My husband also commented that our daughter had shown a significant change. I told him what happened. He’s a skeptic, especially about praying in tongues but he could not argue with the fact that our daughter had begun to change after the very day I prayed. He even started sharing our daughter’s story with others.

Since then, a new friend has come into our daughter’s life. She comes from a wholesome family and has parents who are very pro-active in the well-being of their daughter. Through their friendship, my daughter has developed a new circle of friends who have replaced her former unhealthy associations.

I thank God every day for saving my daughter from demonic forces and giving her back to me. God is great and He will answer any prayer made in His name. Praise God!

Georgia, United States
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