Daughter’s Lungs Clear Of Infection For First Time In 10 Years
I have been watching Joseph Prince for about three weeks. His message of grace has been changing my life, but never in a million years did I expect what happened yesterday.
My daughter is 16 and has an incurable genetic disease. It is life-threatening in that it slowly damages the lungs. The lungs are mucous filled and chronically infected. Once a year, she has to go into the hospital for a two-week IV antibiotics aimed at fighting the infection. We all dread this annual event, but it is necessary to keep her healthy.
We went to the hospital yesterday morning for her bronchoscopy and annual treatment. The bronchoscopy determines which infections she has and what antibiotics will be needed to treat them. We went prepared for her to be admitted.
But yesterday, for the first time in 10 years, her lungs were clear! No mucous plugs! No irritation! No IVs! No hospital stay! No home health care nurses! We are thanking God and believing Him to completely remove this disease from her body.
Tennessee, United States