Praise Report

Delivered From 10-Year Drug Addiction, Running Successful Art Business

I was a drug addict for 10 years, injecting opiates into my veins every day. Even though I knew that the addiction was destroying me, I did not want to stop what I was doing.

But two years ago, my heavenly Daddy delivered me from the addiction by placing me in a halfway house. I was stuck there for I could not get anyone to pick me up. And God not only removed my drug addiction, but my smoking addiction at the same time!

While I was in the halfway house, my mother kept telling me to listen to Joseph Prince, but I resisted initially, wondering how a man from Singapore could have anything to say about God’s grace. Boy, was I wrong. Singapore “sent” a missionary to America! Praise the LORD!

Through Joseph Prince’s messages, I found rest in understanding Jesus’ finished work at the cross. I also learned that condemnation kills and Christ absorbed all my condemnation on the cross. Once I saw past that, I saw the next crucial thing that GOD IS MY DAD and that means all good things are mine in Christ Jesus!

Today, I am running a successful art business which has grown by leaps and bounds! I now own a home with my wife and she also has a growing business. In addition, my relationship with my daughter from my previous marriage was also restored. I was not allowed to see her for the past 10 years but now, she has been staying with me over the weekends!

It is truly overwhelming to think of how fast my Dad has restored all the wasted years! Not only has He restored my life, He restored my heart and mind toward Him. What a contrast to the years when I was still a drug addict, homeless and eating scraps off plates at the houses of drug dealers!

Casey Mills
West Virginia, United States
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