Praise Report

Delivered from Drug Addiction, Blessed with Job

Pastor Prince, a year ago, I was at the lowest point in my life. I was battling depression, anxiety, and drug addiction. This was on top of struggling to find a job in an industry I have no experience in, only educational qualifications. At the same time, I was left abandoned by someone I valued so much, whom I thought understood my situation. This led to many emotional breakdowns.

I felt worthless, misunderstood, and went into deep depression. I questioned my existence, thinking there was no way back for me. One day, on my bedroom floor, I cried and told the Lord that I couldn’t do it anymore and said, “Let Your will be done.” From that day on, God took me on a journey of building my faith in Jesus’ finished work and fixing areas of my life where I needed help. I started noticing positive changes in my life after that.

I kept confessing that I am the righteousness of God in Christ every time I was under the influence of drugs. One day, God plucked that addiction out of my life. At one point, I was convinced that I would be a drug addict for the rest of my life. So for me to get out of it was only because of God’s grace. Even my friends were shocked to find out that I got out of my addiction.

I also started to pray to God to supply me with wisdom for my job search. God opened many doors to many interviews for me to regain my confidence. Those times weren’t easy. Seeing how my friends were getting jobs, I started battling doubts about whether God was listening to me. Through the constant hearing of the gospel of grace, I started believing right—that my God loves me, and He has blessed me in every way through Christ Jesus. After 9 months, I got a job in a company in my industry with amazing colleagues.

For anybody in a similar situation as I was, trust me when I say we are too blessed through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. God never promised it would be easy, but He did promise we would never be alone. And when God is for us, who can be against us?

Thank you, Pastor Prince, for preaching the gospel of grace for lives to be changed radically. I can see a grace revolution during these dark days, and I am glad we can rest in our Lord Jesus. May God bless you, your family, and your ministry.

Great Britain
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