Delivered From Forty-Year Addiction To Pornography
While reading Pastor Prince’s book, Destined To Reign, I was delivered from an addiction to pornography. This was an addiction that held me in bondage for forty years. In the past, I had tried to break free from this addiction by my own power and in my own strength but failed every time.
The devil had used this addiction to heap fear, guilt, and condemnation on me. He kept me bound in the fear and shame of being found out. This fear and shame kept me from asking for help from the pastors of the various churches I attended over forty years. I was even in a position of leadership in some of those churches.
Through reading Pastor Prince’s book, I got a fresh revelation of who I am in Christ—I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, and there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Through this fresh revelation, the grip of this addiction was broken off my life forever.
I have even had this deliverance confirmed by a minister who received a word from God. He said that there was someone in this meeting who had been struggling with pornography and that God had delivered him or her from it.
I now wear a ring on my middle finger of my left hand to remind myself that I am righteous, as righteous as Jesus, that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, and that I am perfect and holy in God’s sight. Every time the devil tries to tempt me to view pornography, I just have to look at the ring to remind myself that I am the righteousness of God in Christ, and I overcome that temptation.
United Kingdom