Praise Report

Delivered From Frequent Colds And Abdominal Pains

Many months ago, I borrowed a book from my brother-in-law titled, Health And Wholeness Through The Holy Communion, by Joseph Prince. What a blessing this book has been to me!

I used to get sick with colds, the flu and abdominal menstrual pains. I always relied on medications to get relief. After reading the book, I gained a better understanding of what the Holy Communion really is and why we should take it. I started taking the Communion in faith with the Lord and the menstrual pains disappeared! I also got healed of the colds and flu I kept getting.

Glory to God! Hallelujah! Now, I take the Communion often and I feel good. The book has been such a blessing to me and my family, and I believe that people around the world need to have it and read it. I also enjoy watching your program and I watch it often with my mother.

May the Lord continue to bless your ministry and I thank God for His grace and goodness. He deserves all the praise and glory!

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