Praise Report

Delivered From Long-Term Sexual Addiction

I stumbled onto pornography when I was about 14 years old. I discovered that pornographic material filled a certain void in my heart and life. From magazines and videos, I finally turned to promiscuous live shows and paid gratification, and this put a band aid on all of my hurts.

My life continued like this for some time. It wasn’t until I got married and after my daughter was born that I started to realise that something was wrong with me. I decided to seek help when I realised that I was using sex to cover my hurts, having struggled with the sexual addiction for a long time. I felt dirty and unworthy of God’s love, but I wanted to do the right thing. In the end, after 12 years of marriage, my wife and I divorced due to various issues.

Eventually, Jesus reached me and I went to a Spirit-filled church. I also saw Pastor Prince on television. I didn’t know what to make of him in the beginning. But I kept seeing him on different TV networks and I even saw his book at the mall. It wasn’t until a few years later that I started to listen to his teachings on the Bible. What caught my attention was that he seemed to know a lot about the Bible. In addition, his sermons were very intelligent and well backed up with Scripture.

As I started listening to his sermons, I heard him share about God’s grace and about being the righteousness of God. That changed me. I started practising what he taught on righteousness. I now feel and think differently. I have forgiven myself and I now know that God loves me even though I make mistakes. When I feel the need to use sex to cover pain, I say to myself that I am the righteousness of God! I am now free from sexual addictions!

I want to thank Pastor Prince for everything he is teaching. His teachings have helped me to walk in victory!

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