Delivered From Ten-Year Addiction To Crack Cocaine
I was born in a Christian family but aside from going to church when I was a child, I received little religious instruction. I grew up having no idea of my true identity in Christ. As a result, I squandered away many years of my life in destructive habits.
I became addicted to crack cocaine for ten years and spent the better part of that decade homeless and unemployed. Despite repeated counseling and therapy sessions, results were only temporary.
I did not understand why my prayers for deliverance remained unanswered. It wasn’t until 2012 when I heard Pastor Prince preach the gospel of grace that I saw light in my dark situation. Since then, I have read all his books and am now reading his new book, Grace Revolution. This is in addition to watching his television broadcast daily.
I learned that condemnation was the root cause of my destructive habit. I also learned that my past, present, and future sins have all been forgiven through Christ’s finished work on the cross. The revelation that it is a hundred percent God’s grace and none of my own efforts has delivered me from teachings that once bound me to legalistic religion and works of the law. I also now understand why so many Christians are not seeing victory in their areas of struggle—they have not been hearing the true gospel.
I am grateful to report that I am no longer addicted to crack cocaine and that God has been steadily restoring to me what I have lost over the years. The cross has also removed fear, superstition, and self-condemnation in my life.
The Bible says in Hosea 4:6 that God’s people perish for a lack of knowledge about Christ and His finished work. As such, I hope to share the gospel of grace through my hip-hop music.
All glory to God and His Son, Jesus Christ. Thank you, Pastor Prince!
Pennsylvania, United States