Praise Report

Dramatic Increase in Daughter’s Cognition Skills After Major Brain Surgery

My daughter started suffering from grand mal seizures when she was eighteen months old. This form of seizure features a loss of consciousness and violent muscle contractions. I was a young believer then and didn’t know about divine healing until I came across Psalm 103 where it says that He is the God who heals all our diseases. I held on to that scripture and believed that my daughter could receive her healing.

An opportunity came along when she was four to undergo a brain surgery that would completely stop the seizures. However, even though the seizures stopped after the surgery, she had to relearn speech skills and faced great challenges in various aspects of cognitive learning.

But when I began listening to Pastor Prince’s teachings on grace three years ago, I began to see the most dramatic changes in my daughter’s growth and development. Her speech improved dramatically and her ability to learn has blown us away. Now, she is able to read and attend regular classes like any other child her age.

We are truly amazed and thankful for Pastor Prince’s ministry that preaches the truth of God’s unmerited favor and love.

Carla Wilson
Illinois, United States
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