Praise Report

Dream Of Joining Football Academy Realized With Full Sponsorship

I was born into a Christian family but had no interest or love for the Lord. At the age of ten, while studying overseas with my sister, I developed a passion for football. I wanted to pursue it as a profession and was determined to fulfill my dream as a football player.

When people stood in the way of my dream or tried to instill doubt in me, I would spiral into depression. I would even curse God and I tried to commit suicide five times. Due to my constant emotional breakdowns and my sister missing our mother terribly, we returned to Singapore. Little did I know that this would begin my radical encounter with Jesus, set me free from depression, and heal me of asthma.

When my heart was set on fire for the Lord, I surrendered my dream of being a footballer to Him and wanted to serve Him in everything I did. Then, I got to know about New Creation Church (in Singapore) this year and chanced upon one of Pastor Prince’s Facebook posts about owning my dreams. I thought about joining a football academy but the costs were far beyond what my mom could afford.

However, God—in His awesome grace—brought a football academy coach to a prayer meeting where I was at, and I had dinner with him. He invited me to a trial at the academy. During the trial, I remembered Pastor Prince’s teachings about my identity in Christ—that I was God’s beloved and His favor surrounds me. Halfway through the trial, the manager said that I’ve been accepted into the academy with full sponsorship. HALLELUJAH! All paid for by the blood of Jesus!

I’m now part of a professional football club and have been able to minister and share the love of my precious Jesus with the coaches. I can’t wait to possess more of my possessions in Christ this year. Pastor Prince, keep preaching the gospel of grace as it continually changes lives around the world. All glory to Jesus!

Reuben Lazarus
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