Praise Report

Exceeded Annual Sales Target By Over 150 Percent After Resting In Jesus

I am a business development professional for a consulting firm. Last year was my first full year on the job and I was severely underperforming. Yet, I was trying everything I knew, including mimicking lead generation activities of my colleagues who were doing well. However, nothing seemed to work and I was in danger of losing my job. Already, I had seen other co-workers dismissed for not performing and I knew I was next.

During this time, I started listening to Pastor Prince’s messages on grace. What had intrigued me was that before he became a pastor, he was also in a similar occupation and the Lord prospered him at his job. I read his books and listened to his MP3 sermons—not only did I receive revelation on Jesus’ finished work, but it totally transformed my way of thinking!

The Lord had to “undo” traditional Christian teachings that held me back in the way I believed and it was His grace that set me free. The Lord also led me to a local church that is preaching grace in line with Pastor Prince’s teaching. I realized that Jesus had already finished everything for me and I could never “earn and deserve” the good success I was asking or believing for.

Sometime toward the end of last year, my boss set an ultimatum and gave me three months to meet my sales target. My husband and a good friend suggested that God had better plans for me and I should perhaps quit from the job. However, when I sought the Lord, I was led to the verse in Ecclesiastes 10:4, NLT—“If your boss is angry at you, don’t quit! A quiet spirit can overcome even great mistakes.” I knew in my heart that I was to stay and see the Lord move on my behalf.

A few days after that, my boss told me that I shouldn’t worry about losing my job so soon as they had discussed a territory change for the new year and my performance will only be re-evaluated a few months after executing the new plan.

Although I had a dismal year in 2011, I decided to practice resting in Jesus’ finished work rather than striving in 2012. And in January 2012, I had my best month ever! It is now November 2012 and I’ve already exceeded my annual target by over 150 percent and I am earning additional commission for the remainder of the year! This is a stark contrast to last year when I barely met 30 percent of my annual target. On top of that, this has been the easiest sales year of my entire career—the sales were just flowing in without my efforts!

My family has never experienced such massive financial increase and we are now in a position to bless our local church, which is growing and moving to a bigger building, to spread the amazing gospel of grace. We are also partners with Joseph Prince Ministries supporting the Grace Revolution.

I am so happy to report that ALL things work together for the good for those who love Him and have been called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). Praise God! Thank you for sharing the truth about GRACE and JESUS!

Texas, United States
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