Praise Report

Excellent Weather Throughout Honeymoon Contrary To Bad Weather Forecast

Thank you, Pastor Prince, for teaching the complete gospel. My wife and I have been watching, listening to and reading your messages for about six months now. We are most blessed by your teachings about our inheritance as God’s children when we believe right.

I’m writing in to share a cool thing our heavenly Father did for us during our recent honeymoon to Cancun.

Prior to my honeymoon, I’d checked weather reports numerous times in the week leading up to our departure. I was disappointed to find out that 80 to 90 percent rain and thunderstorms were forecasted for the duration of our trip.

One morning during my quiet time wth God, I remembered the answered prayers and the many recent blessings God had bestowed on us. It then occurred to me to pray to God to change the weather for us for surely this is no big deal for the God of the universe.

So three days prior to departure, I prayed. By the time I left for Cancun, I was almost more excited to see what God was going to do about the rain than I was about seeing Cancun.

When we landed at our destination, the sun was shining with rain clouds in the far distance. The sun was shining with storm clouds in the far distance everywhere we went during our six-day honeymoon. The thunderstorms were spectacular but always at a distance. Rain only fell late at night after we had retired to bed. Even though the local weather reports predicted solid storms along the entire coastline, we woke up every morning to sun and freshly-watered beautiful nature.

Some will scoff and call this a coincidence and some simply won’t believe that God changed the weather for one of His own. But I believe that’s exactly what He did! Praise God! When you believe right, the flood gates of blessings open!

Thanks again for the anointed teaching. I’m praying for blessings on you and your family.

Bradley VanHecke
California, United States
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