Praise Report

Experiencing Abundant Rest And Refreshing Through The Gospel Of Grace

I just want to say thank you for what the Lord is doing through your ministry. When I came across your broadcast almost two years ago, I was at the end of myself and as you’ve said, I was both “wandering” and “wondering” what happened to my relationship with the Lord.

I was serving in church but I felt spiritually dry and I was getting weary and tired. My marriage wasn’t doing well. In fact, my relatives were advising me to get out of the relationship because they were concerned about how my children were being affected by the tensions and strains in our marriage.

It was my husband who first saw your broadcast on television and told me about you. Out of curiosity, I watched and I thank God that I did because before that, I’d cried out to God and told Him that I could not live the way I was living anymore. God heard my cries and He has answered me way above more than I’d asked or imagined!

Law demands but grace supplies, supplies and supplies! As I watched and I listened, I fell in love with Jesus all over again. How can I not when Jesus is being unveiled every time the Word is taught? I feel like a sheep that has been led to feed in fresh green pastures, and to rest and drink beside still and restful waters.

For the first time since I came to know Jesus when I was 11 years old, I am experiencing “prosperity” like I’ve never seen before. Firstly, He caused my soul to prosper. Then, like a ripple effect, my marriage began to prosper because instead of calling time out, I fell in love with my husband all over again. The feeling was mutual as my husband had also been impacted by the message of grace that he was hearing, and our marriage got born again!

Even my children are being blessed when they listen to your messages and they now enjoy a peace at home that was not there before. My six-year-old would even quote you on Romans 6:14, saying that “sin shall not have dominion over us because we are not married to Mr Law but Mr Grace!”

Serving the Lord in church has also taken on a different dimension because I now serve out of and because of the abundance of His grace. Because of the revelation I’ve received of who I am in Christ, I am also better able to perform my duties as a nurse to care for patients with critical conditions instead of dreading them. I now want to care for them because I am in a position to make a difference to their condition.

It’s been an AMAZING time, discovering what grace is! God truly gives us restful increase and this has been a year of unceasing fruitfulness for me and my family. It’s the gospel of grace, and God is using you to bring His love, His abundant life to His body. I can’t have enough of this gospel, for this good news that is SO GOOD that it can’t be anything but true. All whom I have shared with are encouraged to hear His Word through your ministry and are experiencing a gospel revolution. Thank you, Pastor Prince! GOD IS GOOD!

United Kingdom
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