Praise Report

Experiencing Favor In Every Area Of Life

Pastor Prince, I first read your book, Unmerited Favor, in 2012 and also began to listen to your teachings. Through your materials, I began to learn about the grace of God through the finished work of Jesus on the cross. I have also just finished reading your book, Destined To Reign, and my heart is bubbling with great joy and expectation at the fact that good things happen to those who believe that God loves them.

Indeed, in my own life, I have seen God’s undeserved favor in so many areas of my life. I cannot even begin to number what God has done for me. I was a single mum whose only desire was to please God. Through His favor, I met and married a godly man who believes in the grace of God and has been exposing me to many teachings on grace. I have also received promotion at work and in the ministry I am serving in.

I am now studying the gospel that Paul preached starting with the book of Romans and I cannot wait to get my hands on The Power of Right Believing. The message of grace has impacted me so greatly—I want to learn more about grace and I want more of Jesus. I want the whole world to receive this good news that Jesus has paid for all their sins. I want them to receive the abundant life that our Lord died to give us.

I want to thank God for His great revelation to me through your ministry. I also want to thank you, Pastor Prince, because your life is a true testimony of what the gospel—the good news—is all about. May God bless you and use you more to touch more lives.

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