Praise Report

Experiencing Great Favor After Hearing The Gospel

In 2001, I received the Lord into my life. After that, by the grace of God, my entire family—my parents and brother—received Christ as well.

Three years later, in November 2004, I started attending church with the help of a friend. I was taught a different Jesus than the Lord I’d first encountered and learned that if I did not do things the “right” way, I would receive criticisms, judgments, and threats. As a result, I obeyed God out of fear instead of love.

In March 2013, I was led by the Holy Spirit to listen to an online podcast by Joseph Prince. I experienced the same leading back in 2001 when I first made the decision to receive Christ. After hearing Pastor Prince preach about the Father’s love in 1 John 2:15, I continued to read and listen to his teachings.

I realized that he always preaches Scripture in its context and illustrates important truths from the Bible’s original Greek and Hebrew texts. The gospel of grace is really all about being completely dependent on our Lord Jesus Christ and it is such a beautiful thing!

In the same year, God miraculously provided me with two jobs—both were beyond my expectations. The chief executive officer of the company I joined even raised my employment package a day before I entered the company! Since then, I have been experiencing wave after wave of God’s favor. The grace gospel has transformed me from the inside out. As a result, I have more friends and people have said they just love being around me.

A million thanks to the Holy Spirit for leading me to salvation and Pastor Prince’s ministry. A million thanks to my precious Abba Father and my loving Jesus—without whom I am nothing. And a million thanks to Joseph Prince’s ministry! May God continue to use your ministry to raise many more leaders who will preach the true gospel!

Tanya Chandran
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