Praise Report

Experiencing Increase In All Areas In Year Of Greater Glory

I started watching Joseph Prince in October 2011. I would watch his sermons before leaving for work every morning. I was twenty-two years old then and I was struggling with condemnation for things that were going on in my life. I also hated my job because my boss was making my life at work miserable and I didn’t know what to do or how to get another job.

Well, watching and hearing the message of grace changed my life completely. I learned how to rest and let God work in me and lead me. I continued to stay in my job and as work was so slow, I was able to read the Bible and listen to the grace messages. I managed to overcome a lot of battles in my mind by meditating on the Word day and night.

The year 2012 was one of unceasing fruitfulness for me. At the beginning of that year, Joseph Prince had asked us to pray for three things we wanted to see happen in that year.

I prayed for a woman who would share the same mindset as me or be willing to hear the message of grace to come into my life. I also asked for a raise in my job or a change in the position I was in. They’d cut my hours since I started and I wasn’t making as much money as I was when I started. Then, the last thing I asked for was for my relationship with God to become stronger.

Later in March or April the same year, I bought Joseph Prince’s sermon, Straight Talk To Cool Singles. I felt so renewed after listening to the teaching and I began to take on a different outlook towards dating. In June, I was reunited with Richelle, a friend I knew in high school and we started to date. God was definitely in our relationship, teaching us and leading us. I knew she was going to be my wife and I wanted to propose to her. However, I didn’t have the income to do it right away.

Later that year, I was given more hours at my job. Additionally, my co-workers asked me to prepare lunch for them since I was cooking my own meal. As a result, I started making about $1,000 extra per month.

In June 2013, one year after Richelle and I started to date, I proposed to her and four months later, we bought our first house together. We got married in February 2014 and we were able to pay for our house, wedding, and a new car through God’s favor and miracles.

Subsequently, I was given an offer by Richelle’s mother to run her company. So I got a new position with a higher pay. Later, we also found out that Richelle was pregnant with twins! This is indeed the year of greater glory! We are very excited about our soon-to-come additions. I know God would not give us something that we cannot handle.

Thank you, Pastor Prince, for His word of grace. It has changed my life completely. Keep on keeping on!

Lizaldo Ramon
Florida, United States
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