Praise Report

Experiencing Sweet Sleep And Rest In Through Jesus’ Finished Work

I began learning about the finished work of Jesus in the summer of 2007, when Joseph Prince’s program started airing in the United States.

I used to ask for forgiveness from God every night before going to sleep, for fear of experiencing the wrath of God, or worse, going to hell if I did not wake up.

Pastor Prince’s teachings have freed me from that bondage. Now, I have the assurance that I am forgiven—past, present, and future sins, and I no longer want to sin. In fact, one of my favorite Scriptures that has set me free from fear and from sin is Hebrews 8:12—my sins and lawless deeds God remembers no more.

Bedtime now is filled with sweet sleep and rest in the finished work of Jesus! Hallelujah! I am free from all torments of the enemy. My physical health, finances, and life have blossomed because of the righteousness and grace I have received through Christ.

Keep setting people free with this wonderful grace message!!

Georgia, United States
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