Praise Report

Family Reunited And Restored

My family had been through a terrible year in 2013. We questioned God’s love for us after we had lost everything and became homeless.

Somehow we managed to listen to Pastor Prince every day, and slowly we began to understand the grace of Jesus. The more we learned of His love for us and that we are no longer under the law, the more things started to get better.

We moved from Tennessee to California about eighteen months ago. Before we left, my son’s grandparents decided to take him away from us. Jeremiah was sixteen at that time, and to have our family split apart like that was terrible. But I started claiming that this year would be a year of restoration, and started believing and thanking Jesus for His faithfulness.

On March 14, 2014, my son came to visit us for a week. After the week ended, we took him to the airport. However, his flight was cancelled. The next day, we hit terrible traffic on the roads and my son missed his flight. On the third day, we dropped him off at the airport, but his flight was delayed. Jeremiah called me from the airport and asked us to pick him up. He said that he wanted to live with us. He was looking for a sign as to whether to leave us or to live with us, and he said he received three signs.

We are now reunited and our family is restored. Praise Jesus, this is just the beginning—there’s much more we are believing Him for to be restored! We are now getting back on our feet and I have learned to rest in the provision of Jesus. I walk in peace and whenever I start to get into worry, I listen to Pastor Prince, and remember that it’s all about Jesus!

Pastor Prince, thank you for your ministry and keep on preaching. You have changed my life.

Karin Barrios
California, United States
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