Praise Report

Fantastic Job Offer Because Of Unmerited Favor

This year, God has indeed begun to crown my year with His goodness. I came in touch with Pastor Prince's grace messages via YouTube last November as I do not have cable television.

At that time, my Christian life was becoming dull and lifeless, but Pastor Prince’s teachings changed my life. I have seen God’s grace work in my life. I immediately ordered his two books, Destined To Reign and Unmerited Favor. Not long after, I was given a fantastic job offer with an oil and gas company. I did not even go for an interview.

I met the man who offered me the job in a conference. How I met him was indeed a miracle. I was going toward the conference center when I saw him walking up to me to ask for directions. We walked together to the conference center and we had a little chat. Afterwards, he asked me if I needed any help. The rest is history.

On 31 January 2011, I was offered the job and I can say that it is not because of my qualifications, but God’s unmerited favor.

I have just made up my mind to start taking the Holy Communion and I am expectant of what God is going to do in my life this year. Indeed, God has used you, Pastor Prince, to put the amazing back into grace. God bless you.

United Kingdom
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