Praise Report

Fear Of Flying Replaced By Great Peace

Last Christmas, I was with my family at the airport in Houston, Texas, waiting for a flight to Las Vegas. I was anxious, as I was extremely afraid to fly, and can never relax or enjoy myself at any airport. Usually, my time would be spent traipsing to the bathroom. So while my husband and children were having a great time in the food court, I sat there dwelling on the three-hour flight.

Just then, an email came through on my cell phone from Joseph Prince Ministries. It was an article relating an occasion when Pastor Prince sat beside a lady in an airplane. She was gripping the armrests in fear. Among the things Pastor Prince shared with the lady was the fact that because God was with him, the plane would not go down! Because of the sharing, the lady gave her life to Christ that day.

The more I read the article, the more I felt the power of God calming my heart. Tears rolled down my face right there in the food court. I quietly wiped them away and received His righteousness in exchange for all my fears.

That day, I experienced one of the most glorious flights in my life. I did not go to the bathroom once. I was filled with such great peace and calm, and was able to share with my family the joy and excitement of our vacation. The Lord had met my need right where I was.

I still remind myself of who I am in Him: a righteous child of God. Amen.

Los Angeles, United States
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