Praise Report

Filled With The Peace Of Jesus And Tumor Removed

Last year, my gynecologist found a fairly large tumor in my uterus and advised me to undergo surgery. The operation would be a major one and I was scared. But the night before the operation, I had a dream in which I saw these words on a blackboard: “Jesus said, ‘I love you. If you go through the raging waters, you will not drown. If you go through the blazing fires, you will not burn. Because I am with you. I will never leave you.’” That gave me the peace to undergo the operation.

Following the operation, I started watching Joseph Prince’s sermons online and on my iPod. I was reassured that Jesus was not far away from me or angry with me despite my past failures. He loves me and I can be close to Him because of what He has done for me at the cross. I started looking to Him and stopped looking at myself.

When I went back to my gynecologist for a checkup, I was told that the tumor had grown back. This time, I wasn’t scared but felt strong. I kept a smile on my face and people around me were surprised at my optimism and happiness. I underwent another operation and recovery this time was faster. I thank God for that.

But when I went for my next checkup, again, a tumor was found again, this time, on the other side of my uterus. I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t know what to do or say.

I went home, sat on the sofa and started to read the Bible, but I wasn’t really taking in the words. My eyes were just going over the sentences. Suddenly, I remembered that, 1. God is with me. 2. He has already paid the price for my healing. 3. He only wants good things for me, so having this condition is not my “fate”!

I laid my hands on my belly and said, “I believe Jesus paid the price for me to be healthy and whole. In Jesus’ name, tumor go away and belly be whole.”

When I went back for an extra checkup, the doctor and nurse searched and searched but could not find any tumor! They couldn’t find anything wrong with my uterus or womb. In fact, they saw that that month, I had two mature eggs, meaning I was quite fruitful! Today, I’m still praising the Lord for what He did for me.

I want to thank you, Joseph Prince, for sharing the message of hope and grace. I was raised in church but always felt condemned and dirty. You have helped me to understand God’s plan and shown me how loving and gracious He really is. I have also gotten to know Jesus better! Thank you so much. Your message has changed my life—Jesus has changed my life. May the Lord bless you and your family abundantly!

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