Praise Report

Finally Able To Pray In Tongues

For many years I desired to speak in tongues. Whenever I was in a service where they prayed for people to receive the gift of tongues, I always went up for prayer to receive the gift. And always, nothing happened.

One morning, after listening to a sermon from Pastor Prince on the dynamic “dunamis” power we receive from praying in tongues, I became inspired and yearned to receive the gift again. I prayed daily for about two weeks, asking God to bless me with His gift.

When I visited Orlando, Florida, I went to a place called TBN’s Holy Land Experience. There was a room there where you could pray to receive a free gift from God. When I walked in the room, there was one chair left on the last row where people were seated. I felt like it was left vacant just for me.

I quietly sat down and the facilitators began praying for people to receive the gift of tongues. I closed my eyes and reflected on Pastor Prince’s sermon about how this gift was for me and I just began to freely receive what Christ wanted me to have freely. Praise God! I received the gift of tongues that day! Hallelujah!

Since then, I have been praying in the Holy Spirit daily and so many miracles have happened supernaturally in my life! I give God all the glory!

Los Angeles, United States
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