Praise Report

Finances Improved After Finding Courage In The Lord To Make Career Change

Pastor Prince, I first heard you preach in 2006 and I have read your book, The Power of Right Believing.

As a grandson of two preachers, I was brought up to be “good” and “nice.” I did not understand the grace of God nor my inheritance in Christ. As a result, I became weighed down with guilt and depression.

When I learned to rest in the Lord through your ministry, scales slowly began to fall from my eyes. As the Holy Spirit unveiled my righteous identity in Christ, my depression left.

The most significant change was my newfound courage when I realized my Abba Father truly loves me. I no longer live in fear and I’m able to make important decisions bravely.

In 2008, I made a career change at age thirty-five. After that, my financial situation improved and my family was able to move to a new location—something that proved beneficial for my wife’s work arrangement. My two sons were also moved to a better school district.

Men can receive true courage only from the Lord. Many other blessings have also happened in my life since I learned about the gospel of grace. Thank you, Pastor Prince, for your messages. My family and I have been blessed to have seen you preach twice in Houston, Texas.

Texas, United States
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