Praise Report

Finding Hope From Grace Teachings, Passed Examination By Praying In Tongues

God is SO good! I have been reading Joseph Prince’s online Daily Grace Inspirations whenever I can ever since my grandmother introduced me to this ministry and bought me his book, Unmerited Favor. I am a senior in college, and this final semester was very rough on me.

I am writing this to say how Joseph Prince Ministries has helped me to keep going and given me hope in the midst of my problems.

I have been a Christian all my life, but I didn’t fully trust God at times and I’d start to doubt because of how bad the circumstances around me looked. I was also battling with sin-consciousness because of some things I did whenever I got extremely stressed out.

Despite all the bad thoughts and negativity, I knew that I had to stay connected to God and I would go to Joseph Prince’s website to learn more about God’s grace.

Just months ago, I’ve started reading the Daily Grace Inspirations more frequently and I also started watching the web broadcasts whenever I could.

In the past two weeks, I was very anxious because of courses that I had been struggling with. If I did not do well in them, it would jeopardize my graduation in May.

I was especially concerned with passing a course that I had to take for the second time. I had done miserably in the first two examinations, and I knew that in my natural ability, there was no way I could pass this class on my own. I would have to do extremely well in the final examinations to pass.

I was praying with my own understanding and trying to consult the Bible, but I was still in panic mode as I tried to study as best I could. Then, I knew that I could not possibly do well without doing something different. I wasn’t praying with faith, and I knew that I could either continue to panic or really trust God this time.

During the early morning hours on the day of the examination, I was tired and was about to go to sleep when I suddenly decided to go to Joseph Prince’s website to see what the Daily Grace Inspiration was for the day.

When I saw the title, I knew that God was talking to me. The title was, "How The Holy Spirit Helps Us." I already knew about the power of prayer in the Spirit but I was never consistent in praying. I had prayed in the Holy Spirit before but I never did it to pass a course.

After reading the message, I prayed an hour in the Spirit in faith. I knew that I had to do it to get the help I needed. Praying with my own understanding wasn’t enough because I still doubted. I needed supernatural help. Even though it looked like I would fail so miserably in the natural, I trusted the Holy Spirit to help me in my weakness.

I sought the Holy Spirit’s help during the examination and after the examination. I went home and prayed again for an hour in the Spirit. And God did it! I checked my grade and I passed!

Today, I have graduated from college. This has greatly increased my faith because what had seemed like an impossible situation, God turned around for me!

Thank you, Joseph Prince, for reminding me about this exactly when I needed it. The Grace Inspirations are such a blessing to me. Also, I will continue reading Unmerited Favor and feeding on God's love for me instead of being sin-conscious. I am half way through and the book is already helping me battle some thoughts I have been struggling with. Thank God for you and your ministry!

New Jersey, United States
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