Praise Report

Found Security In God’s Love, Family Experiencing Blessings

Pastor Prince, I am a nineteen-year-old student from Mumbai, India. I have been reading the Bible from a very young age and have always wanted a close relationship with my heavenly Father. However, I believed I wasn’t worthy or important enough to Him. I became depressed, insecure, and lost the will to live. Nothing could fill the constant void in my heart.

I tried to punish myself by slapping and choking myself in the bathroom. I hated myself whenever I looked in the mirror because I believed I was unlovable.

As I was taught to be sin-conscious, whenever I realized I had done something wrong, I would confess my sins in my mind, begging God for forgiveness. It soon dawned on me that I could not continue living like that.

I went to various prayer meetings and tried to learn different ways to receive God’s love and blessings. It was exhausting and I gave up eventually. I decided to simply believe in John 3:16 and hoped it was enough. But by that time, I didn’t even understand the beauty of that verse.

The constant feeling of emptiness and defeat didn’t go away. I continued believing that I was a failure and disappointment. There was also a hunger and yearning in me that I could not explain.

One night, I came across your program while flipping channels on television. Even though I did not fully understand what you were preaching, I stopped to listen and the name “Joseph Prince” stuck with me.

Two years passed before I heard you preach on the same channel again. As my heart soaked in every word, I realized I wanted to know more about my Lord and His love—two things I had been searching for my whole life!

It has been eight months since my watching of that broadcast and I have never looked back. Your teachings changed my life as I learned more about my heavenly Father’s love for me. I recently got hold of your book, Grace Revolution. Each page gives me a fresh revelation of God’s unconditional love for me.

I used to think, “How can God love me? I am nothing but a face in a crowd.” Today, I no longer put myself down or question His love because I have learned that the cross is God’s ultimate demonstration of His great love for me. I can simply put my faith in Jesus and His finished work.

I have been receiving so many undeserved blessings since then. I was healed of a long-term allergy. My mother’s gall bladder was healed of gall stones. My sister received a well-paying job that she wanted and my relationship with my father has been restored!

I am still learning and growing in my relationship with God every day. I never miss your daily television broadcasts and my heart rejoices whenever I hear God’s Word preached. I have found peace, hope, and joy.

Today, whenever I feel like I have failed, I lean on His love instead of hide from Him. I now have a newfound respect for life and want to live every day for His glory.

Thank you, Pastor Prince, for preaching the true gospel. I have been set free! May God bless you and your ministry, and may Daddy God’s precious children hear the grace gospel and realize how loved they are. All glory to our Lord and Savior, Jesus!

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